Nothing gets us going like statistics can!

“If the statistics are boring you’ve got the wrong numbers!”

Nothing gets us going like statistics can!

“If the statistics are boring you’ve got the wrong numbers!” – Edward Tufte, statistician

Every month we feel thrilled while preparing the latest analytics reports to send to our clients. How many users has there been on the platform? Which recommendations has the most clicks? What is the bounce rate? What is the average site duration? Where are the people coming from? And who are they? We love collecting and analysing data and seeing how the Cruncho platforms are performing. While some people might think statistics are boring, we feel the opposite, it’s one of our key motivators and what drives us to perform better and better every day.

All features on the Cruncho platforms are carefully tracked and monitored as the data collected is the key indicator of why and in what direction features and platforms should evolve. Not only are decisions for development improvements and new features data-driven, but they are also often made in close partnership with our clients. We complement data tracking with quarterly performance meetings and user surveys – it’s important to stay up to date with users behaviour, but it’s more important to anticipate their needs, satisfy these and beyond (be open to test innovative ideas with us 😉)

Here’s a little peek into the average key user metrics that we currently observe on the Cruncho platforms:

Screenshot 2022 01 31 at 17.12.17

Look at that – isn’t it thrilling? These are the metrics we deliver to our clients and you can get them too! Don’t hesitate to reach out to learn more about our products and how they can benefit you.

Jenny Nguyen

Jenny Nguyen

Business Development Manager

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